Thursday 4 October 2012

Walsall in Type

There are certain towns in the midlands that really could do with a facelift and a cash injection. Instead of an obsession with building more shops they need to concentrate more on making the centre of towns a more enjoyable place to hang out. Ditch the excessive concrete and introduce more green areas and introduce some considered creative solutions. One of these towns, Walsall, has never been one of my favourites because it is has little investment in the past and what little it has received has resulted in either more shops or some pretty poor architectural treatments. Also, you are dealing with a economically poor area whose people have different priorities in life. Amongst these are a willingness to get drunk at every occasion and a total lack of imagination and pessimistic attitude to life in general.

The first glimmer of hope for me was the construction of the new Walsall Art Gallery which has had countless critics saying it was too modern for the town and was built in the wrong place. But what they should have realised is the surrounding buildings looked old fashioned and unloved. A perfect opportunity to improve the surroundings instead of moaning about the intrusion. I just think sometimes you have to drag some people kicking and screaming into the modern world a bit more as its the only way to change things for the better of everyone.

So I was very happy to see a new typographic project launched in Walsall recently. Its a 22 metre long mural which tells the story of the town as well as giving directions to some of its tourist attractions. Created by Manchester's United Creatives, its a much need facelift to a dull shopping centre. Just using stencils and a special micro porous paint, the results look great. Apparently most of the feedback has been positive for a change and if this continues, there is the chance to make it more permanent with a ceramic version.

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