Wednesday 26 September 2012

Summer Is Over

If you blinked, you missed it. Summer is over for another year as the rain has decided to make yet another appearance. It doesn't seem like five minutes that I was basking in the Olympic Stadium in stifling hot conditions, moaning about how hot I was. How many weeks now till Christmas?

Anyway, I have had plenty of time to reflect on my situation lately as after a few more disappointing job interviews, I am left wondering what to do for the best. I have changed my CV on numerous occasions and had meetings with careers advisors on the best way to approach applications and interviews but with no success.

I started along this new path a few years ago with some trepidation as I knew in my heart that I should have done it years ago but nevertheless, being bloody minded and stubborn, I felt that I could achieve my goals. The reality is that being employed again isn't going to happen. So, the last few days, other than being a miserable pain in the arse and realising that I have to pick myself up yet again, it's time for action!

Having realised that a lot of my fellow students have picked the business modules, the best course of action is not just to gain the knowledge but to put it into action as I work my way through. The eventual goal is to end up at the end of this course not only with an MA but also a working design studio practice. I have played at it a few times in the past but never seriously if I am to be honest with myself. I think in reality, having always worked for someone else, I am scared of going it alone. I read about lots of students who set up their own studios out of University and its easier because they haven't had that security of a monthly income and haven't been tainted by being employed by somebody else telling you what to do all day. Towards the end I was in a position where I could delegate to others but I was still answerable to someone else everyday. Plus, I really wanted to be in an environment where you had other human beings to talk to and other designers who you could share your ideas with. You end up in a sterile bubble working from home and I think your work suffers because of it.

So it's back to it on Friday and I am going to see what the modules are all about and formalise a plan over the weekend. After all, I don't want to in another 10 years time, still be cutting bits of card up, DJing to drunks and pretending I am Hank Marvin at the weekend!

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