Monday 20 August 2012

An Old Tin Can?

Well after a much needed holiday at Sunny Exmouth, it's back to the mundane business of checking in about any outstanding job applications. Out of a dozen applications I have been shortlisted for .........none of them!

The one where I thought I stood a good chance, the Artworker role in Birmingham has gone to someone else. In fact there were 3 or 4 roles and I didn't get one of them. What makes this worse is that someone who was on the same BA course as me is working there at the moment, so this makes it even more embarrassing that I didn't get a job there. To be honest, if I can't even get an Artworker role, the future is looking really bleak at the moment. Hence the title of this being An Old Tin Can. I do feel like I am being kicked around all over the place and no one is willing to pick me up.

When I look at my CV and portfolio, it still looks like I have so much to offer, so why is it not happening. I am loathe to admit it but I do think that if I was twenty years younger, I would have a design job by now. This isn't just a case of self pity but thinking about most interviews I have gone for and when being showed around the various studios, most of the designers are in their twenties. Even some of the Creative Directors I have met are only in their mid thirties, early forties.

To be frank, I am sick and tired of being kicked around and am despondent about my design career. It is looking more likely that I am going to have to bite the bullet and apply for more mundane roles just to earn some money. Maybe it is a case of finishing my degree, having thoroughly enjoyed the last few years and then putting it all in a box and throwing away the key for good. I have even applied for lots of jobs with companies like Argos, John Lewis, Tesco etc, and still cannot manage to even get an interview. These are not for demanding roles but for positions such as Van Driver, Stock Assistant or even basic Call Centre roles.

People who know me well cannot ever say that I am not persistent but I don't know which way to turn any more. Whilst I am enjoying my endeavours with Coastal Dreams, it is unlikely that I will even make minimum wage as an income from it. At best it is going to be a self funding hobby and not a future career move. I will still continue to design more artworks and make more pictures but it does take a lot of effort and time which could be spent on something more financially rewarding.

So having checked all my emails and phoned round any outstanding messages, there is a possibility of an interview later this week for a part time call centre role in Birmingham. Not quite what I had in mind but we will wait and see.

Some people always say what they would do if they could go back in time to when they were younger and what they would do. Well I already know the answer to that one.............

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