Wednesday 25 January 2012

It's All About Taking Part

It is always strange and difficult to talk about yourself sometimes, especially when you have to explain to someone else, who you are and what you do.

Sat around the table with my new fellow students, trying to condense your life into a few short paragraphs can never be easy but what struck me was a past life that I had conveniently forgotten about.

When I was leaving school I was offered a place at Stafford College on a BTEC Graphic Design course. My place was left unfilled as I desperately wanted to get a job and earn my own money. So I managed to get an engineering job based in the Birmingham Jewellery Quarter which I thoroughly enjoyed. The immense satisfaction of making things, creating something new from blocks of metal and forming and teasing them in to something mechanically useful. I even miss the leaky roof, the sweet smell of the machine suds and glistening grease. I managed to work my way through numerous companies, slowly advancing through to more senior roles into management, the lure of more responsibility and increased salary until..........something happened.

I hadn't thought about that time until we were all sat round that table, reciting our past endeavours. Life is always full of what ifs and some regrets but hopefully, like I did, I woke up! There was something missing from my life and because of the never ending monotony of long working hours and forever trying to gain further promotion, I think I had lost myself.

It's always referred to as my early mid life crisis and I don't know what else to call it. But, in 2003, I decided enough was enough. The creative spark had always been there and I decided to explore a new pathway for myself, trying to utilize my raw skills and determine if a new and more interesting life was possible. Now, I feel I should point out that while this all might seem a bit new age and trying to find oneself, the truth is that the person I left behind is so radically different to the one today. To give you just one example, I never wanted to have children. I made it quite clear when we were first engaged that it just wasn't for me and I maintained this stance. But now we have a beautiful five year old daughter as a result of me instigating the conversation, why didn't I ever want children? The creative journey I have been so happily enjoying these last few years has made me a better person.

It started at Lichfield College, with a Foundation Degree in Fine Art which was interesting but I couldn't see myself as a Fine Art practioner or as a curator. What it did give me was a fascinating insight into the appreciation of art and the knowledge to professionally critique art itself. Then, more than twenty years later, I finally got to Stafford College to study Graphic Design. It didn't take me long to realise that I had found what I was looking for. The breadth and diversity of the subject was just so overly enticing. I needed to know more and so the journey continued onto Staffordshire University for a BA Hons in Graphic Design. One regret is instead of joining the course in the third year, I now wish I had given myself more time and joined in the second year. I know I would have benefited more and had more time to experiment, but on reflection, I am still proud of my achievements so far.

After graduation, it was a constant trawl around design agencies, trying to secure precious placements. I met some fascinating, inspirational designers but struggled to get the commitment I was desperately seeking. After several months, I could have traversed into a melancholy state of self pity but you soon realise that you are not alone. There are hundreds of designers and artists constantly striving to obtain that elusive contract. The truth is that I have worked so hard and made too many sacrifices to stop now.

So, my excitement was evident when I discovered this new MA back at Staffordshire University. Another rare opportunity to be a part of something creatively inspiring. Besides wanting to wear a cap and gown again, I have certain goals that I want to achieve. Having researched what pathway I need to follow and what specialism inspires me the most, I want to learn as much as I can about Packaging Design. Whilst the buzzword of the day is 'digital', there is always going to be a demand for packaging.
 It has the possibilities to encompass all my interests in Typography, 3D visualization, Crafts and my passion for making something physical.

Above all, the reason for my own personal journey has never been about the financial rewards. Not once have I thought that gaining further degrees will enable me to earn a higher salary. What has inspired and driven me these last few years has been the inspirational and encouraging people I have met along the way, the fascinating, never ending range of breathtaking design that continues to inspire me and ultimately, there is always something new to learn. So, another chapter begins and as usual, I am jumping in with both feet!

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