As you have probably realised, I am having a good old traipse through my hard drives at the moment trying to organise all my files once and for all. As well as coming across some forgotten work which I may put back in the portfolio, I seem to have accumulated a lot of favourite music videos. I do love nothing better than finding an amazing piece of design or purchasing yet another inspirational design book but another of my lifelong passions has been music.
Most of us are influenced by our parents when we are younger and have no choice but to listen to their music. For me this wasn't really a problem. My father used to be in a band in the 1960's in and around the Birmingham area and as was the scene at that time, played with some of the well known stars of the day. There were hundreds of bands at that time trying to get their own five minutes of fame but as we know, very few actually made it. One of my father's claims to fame is that for a few months one of the members of the latter Moody Blues was in the same band. Before you say it, there is no connection between the band and our family name!
So it is understandable that I couldn't wait to start playing the guitar. I had my first basic guitar when I was seven years old and in a couple of years, I was teaching the schools guitar teacher a few riffs. When I got to the middle school we formed a proper band with electrical instruments and everything. This doesn't seem that remarkable now but none of the other schools in the area had a proper band so we thought we were superstars. We carried on playing together until we left school in 1983 and then we went our own ways. I was then asked to join another band who basically played a few covers of the 70's and 80's. My best claim to fame other than once playing on the same bill as Musical Youth, I know, the big time, was being one of the support acts for UB40 at The Top Rank Club in Birmingham. Unfortunately we were not that popular with the crowd as they didn't really want to hear us playing covers of T-Rex and Rolling Stones classics.
So as you have probably realised, I didn't quite make it to the stage of the NEC or even the Birmingham Odeon. The only tiny bit of fame I get nowadays is the occasional gig in a Shadows tribute band but at least I get to pretend to be Hank. What more could you ask for.
Anyway, so back to the videos. These are a few that I constantly play over and over again. To me they either inspire me or move me emotionally. It could be the voice, it could be the great musicianship but ultimately its the fact that without music in my life, there would be a great chasm. Enjoy:
It seems a lot but in the Favourites folder there are just shy of 3700 music videos. I was going to try and download them and put them on a hard drive but i think I might just leave them on the inter web for now.
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