Friday, 24 February 2012

Papercrafting Part 3

I was on the Behance Network the other day looking for a link to a piece of packaging design I had seen and as per usual drifted off looking for any new paper crafters that I hadn't seen before.

Carlon Meira has amazing paper sculpting skills with such precision and attention to detail. The first series of sculptures are inspired by Brazilian footballers and carnival festivals. The colours jump out at you and appear a lot more three dimensional than they really are. Its just the attention to the cuts and folds that fascinate me.

carnical spectaclethe yellow paper lady 

 the banana paper ladythe red paper princess 

It never fails to amaze me how much diversity can be found in the paper crafting community. One thing I always forget and fail to realise sometimes is that it isn't just a craft to be stuck in a frame. It can be found everywhere as part of advertising campaigns to promote an event or a particular product.

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The one at the top is for the Federal Bank in Brazil as part of an advertising campaign. The next is for one of his regular clients, a publishing company that deal with book and magazine illustrations. The last group at the bottom are for Mapfre Insurance, who I am guessing are also based in South America judging by the language used.

It just goes to show that getting a brief from an insurance company, would not inspire you at all but if you could come at it from another angle, decline using stock photos and images and you get something fantastic. It got me thinking about making one of my coastal pieces and either approaching someone in a coastal tourism office or creating something myself for my portfolio. I know I am looking into packaging more but it would be great to have the odd commission using my craft skills.


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